Plant life is all around us and most of us are unaware of the fact that there are so many different kinds of plants, with each plant having a distinct name and unique feature.
Plants are an essential part of the planet, without them we would not be able to survive. Water plants are a big part of this. They keep the water clean and healthy for us to swim, drink and surf in. You should know the names of these plants, so you can identify them if they need help.

Water Hyacinth
Water Hyacinth is a free floating water plant native to South America. It is considered invasive because it can form thick masses in water bodies that can cause the death of other aquatic species. In some tropical regions it has become a major pest and even caused the decline of industries that rely on the water like fishing and boating.

Water Lilies
Water Lilies (Nymphaea) is a genus of hardy and tender aquatic flowering plants in the family Nymphaeaceae. It is sometimes placed in a separate family, the Nymphaeaceae. There are two species in the genus, Nymphaea nouchali and Nymphaea alba. Both species are widespread in tropical, subtropical and warmer temperate regions, and are sometimes cultivated (in ponds).

The genus Pontederia, also called ‘carpetweed’ or ‘pickerel weed’, consists of plants of the family Pontederiaceae. It includes two species, P. cordata and P. pickerensis. The species grow in or near water, and range from small submersed plants to free-floating aquatic plants. These aquatic plants are found in both North America and South America. As with many aquatic flowering plants, some species of Pontederia are considered weed-like.

Nuphar lutea
Nuphar lutea, the yellow water lily, is a species of water lily native to the eastern United States. It is found in the eastern half of the United States, from the Atlantic coast to the Mississippi River, and as far west as the Great Lakes. It is also found in Canada, from the Atlantic coast to the Great Lakes.
Nuphar lutea grows in slow-moving, shallow water, such as ponds, lakes, and ditches. It is often found in the same habitat as Nymphaea odorata, the common water lily.

Nymphaea Candida
Nymphaea candida is a species of water lily native to the eastern United States. It is a perennial herbaceous plant that grows to a height of about. It is native to the United States, where it is found in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia.

Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) is a plant that grows in muddy and marshy soils. It has broad leaves and a thick stem and it usually flowers pink or white lotus flowers. Lotus is often used as an herbal medicine, but it also has other uses. For example, every part of the lotus plant can be used to make paper, fabrics and various crafts.
The first and foremost task is to choose the right plant for the right place. While there are many plants that need little care and attention, others need more. It is important to know about the water plants, as well as their water conditions. This will help you in taking better care of them.
Just like us, plants are living organisms that need to be fed and watered regularly to keep them healthy and growing. Though they certainly take care of themselves, a little water plant care goes a long way toward making certain they keep their natural beauty and good health.
For gardeners and horticulturalists, it’s important to know the names of different plants, shrubs, and flowers, especially when you’re trying to care for them. There are more than 10,000 kinds of flowers, plants, and trees that can be grown in the U.S. and Canada alone – and all of them have their own names.
Benefits of Water or Aquatic Plants
Water or Aquatic plants are essential for the health of the aquatic ecosystem. They provide habitat and food for many animals, and shade for fish. In addition to their ecological benefits, they also have practical benefits for humans, such as helping to control erosion and providing flood control by absorbing excess water from ponds, rivers, and lakes.
Types of Water or Aquatic Plants
Water or Aquatic plants come in a range of shapes, sizes, and colors. Some of the most common types of water or aquatic plants include floating-leaf, floating-stem, submerged, emergent, and bog plants. Each type has different characteristics, and can provide different benefits to the aquatic ecosystem.
Floating-Leaf Plants – These types of plants have large, buoyant leaves that rise to the surface of the water and trap small animals and act as a refuge for animals. They are also used to absorb nutrients and provide shade to protect fish.
Floating-Stem Plants – These types of plants have stems that float on the water’s surface. These plants provide habitat for fish and help slow water flow.
Submerged Plants – These are plants that are completely submerged in water. They provide habitat and food for fish, and help to dissolve fish waste.
Emergent Plants – These are plants that have their stems within the water but their leaves rise above the water’s surface. They provide habitat for fish, help decrease water flow, and provide shade for fish.
Bog Plants – These types of plants are best suited to wet or moist soils, and they help to keep the water supply clean.
Water or Aquatic plants are an important part of the freshwater ecosystem. They provide food, habitat, and shade for fish, while helping to regulate water flow and keep the water clean. There are a variety of types of water or aquatic plants that each provide different benefits to the ecosystem.