In the last few years, there has been a great deal of excitement around a group of plants called hebe (pronounced like “hay”) because it is one of the most popular garden plants in the world. Hebe is a perennial herb that grows from 4 to 10 feet tall, with large leaves and an attractive white or lavender flower.
Hebe photos:

Hebe is the best-known of several related groups of plants known collectively as “heathland plants”. The name heathland comes from the fact that they are native to areas with little other vegetation and are thus adapted to a mostly open environment (hence their name).
One reason for their popularity is that they bloom in spring and summer, when other plants are dormant, making them easy to spot on garden beds. Another factor may be that they make excellent companions: they provide shade and help keep weeds down while also attracting butterflies such as irises and orioles. In fact, irises have been known to lay eggs on these heathlands in the autumnal months after which its seedlings grow into mature irises themselves.
Hebe appears in many contexts: for example it can be seen in gardens throughout Europe and North America as well as in Asia where it is cultivated extensively for its flowers. There are many varieties of hebe; some are common garden plants while others are rare native species that have become popular ornamental species due to their distinctive appearance or habitat requirements (such as those used by butterfly gardners). They are also popular ornamentals for backyards due to their attractive white flowers and attractive foliage with variegated leaves (sometimes called “tooth pouches”) in contrast to other species. Additionally many common garden varieties have become highly ornamental by virtue of their resistant habit and ability to flower at any season throughout the year even at lower elevations than some native species which prefer cool temperatures during this time period.