Deutzia is a flowering shrub and has become a popular garden plant. The plant is native to much of the temperate Northern Hemisphere, and its genus consists of more than 60 species. The shrub was named after the Dutch 18th century banker and horticulturalist, Johann Van der Deutz.
Deutzia photos:

Deutzia plants can be evergreen or deciduous shrubs and even trees. These beautiful, flowering shrubs grow in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors. Some species can get as tall as 8 meters and can even form small trees. The most common species grown in gardens include Deutzia gracilis, Deutzia scabra, Deutzia crenata, and Deutzia setchuenensis.
Deutzia is an attractive addition to gardens as an ornamental plant. Its white, light pink, or purple flowers create an amazing show in late spring to summer. The light pink is the most common color found, however, some varieties have deep-pink to purple-colored flowers. Deutzia is also a popular choice in landscaping due to its hardiness, low maintenance, and ability to grow in a wide range of soils.
Deutzia plants need full sun or partial shade and rich, loamy, well-drained soil. The plant also prefers an acidic soil, so occasionally adding compost or mulch can help provide an ideal environment for the plant to thrive in. Water regularly during the growing season and provide a thin layer of mulch at the base of the plants in winter to help with hardiness and control weed growth. Prune the shrub to shape and remove dead or damaged branches to encourage healthy growth.