Candytuft is an edible flower that belongs to the genus Iberis of the Brassicaceae family. It is native to Europe and Asia, although it is widely cultivated throughout the world. Candytuft is most commonly used as a decorative addition to desserts and salads. It is also frequently used as a medicinal plant and even new varieties have been developed for use in landscaping.
Candytuft photos:

Candytuft is used mainly as a decorative addition to salads, cakes, and desserts. It has a sweet flavor and excellent texture when used in cooking. The flowers can be crystallized or candied, or used as a garnish on pastries and other desserts.
Candytuft has been used medicinally since the ancient Greek and Roman times. It is used as a digestive aid and to help reduce inflammation. It can also be used to treat skin conditions, promote wound healing and relieve pain.
Candytuft is also used in landscaping. It is a low maintenance, drought-tolerant plant, so it is ideal for rock gardens, alpine and xeriscape gardens. New varieties have been developed for use in landscaping, such as the candytuft ‘Drop and Forget’ and the sun-loving ‘Double Trouble’.
Candytuft is an edible flower that has been used for centuries for culinary, medicinal, and landscaping purposes. It has a sweet flavor and excellent texture and is extremely easy to cultivate. It is a low maintenance, drought-tolerant plant and new varieties have been developed for use in landscaping. Candytuft is an excellent addition to any garden and can provide both beauty and value.